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Many think of Yoga solely in terms of postures or breathing exercises, but in fact the practice is dedicated to creating a union between body, mind and spirit using eight stages as devised in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. The postures (asanas) and breathing (pranayama) only make up steps three and four of this path. The first two are adhering to the disciplines of Yama (stage one) and Niyama (stage two) which encourage us to develop emotional stability before moving on to postures. They represent a code of ethics to help the Yogi with focus, discipline and restraint and can be applied to how we approach any aspect of life not just in Yoga Practice.

They consist of 10 ‘vows’ with Yama dealing with one’s social interactions and Niyamas focus on harmonising one’s inner feelings.

While approaching my own journey I decided to see if the Yamas and Niyamas I had studied so thoroughly during my Yoga Teacher Training could be applied practically when trying for a baby.

When trying to conceive, many rush in without thinking how to prepare mentally. Our attitude will determine our reaction to any situation and we should try to adopt the most favourable mindset possible.


1. Ahimsa – Compassion/Sensitivity.

Its tempting to make this time all about you but how will the journey impact your partner?

Men will feel the stress of conceiving just as much and sense if you are only interested in intercourse because the ovulation test has shown its a fertile day.

Try to remember his needs. Spend quality time together to feel connected. Go on dates, even take up a hobby together (such as Yoga) as you will be far more in sync and willing to explore all options with healthy discussion.

2. Satya – Honesty

Some approach trying to conceive with the attitude of ‘let’s just see what happens’ but does this send the message to your brain that you are bothered or ready for parenthood?

To be honest with yourself about what you want and need will empower the journey. A simple positive affirmation of ‘I am ready for this baby’ will bring about optimism reducing stress and healing the immune system and reproductive cycle.

3. Asteya – Openness to Change

Do you have relationships you could assess or heal? A situation at work or money troubles causing you tension? One friend who had a tempestuous relationship with her mother made attempts to heal the rift which in turn helped her become a mother. She told me that while trying for a baby for months and with nothing happening, her Yoga teacher suggested letting go of the past tensions and change her attitude towards her mother as anger and stress will serve only to block energy.

If there is a situation causing stress which could be remedied then think about how you could make changes however small.

4. Bramamcharya – Focus/Preservation of Energy

Meditate on your body. Picture conceiving a baby, focus on timely ovulation, a healthy sperm and egg meeting and fertilised egg implanting. Do this for a few minutes a day – by telling yourself you are healthy and capable of carrying a baby will serve to focus your mind on the task at hand.

5. Aparigraha – Free from Grasping/Coveting

It is tempting to compare yourself to others but this will cause stress because you are not in complete control of this process. If a friend got pregnant the day after stopping using birth control try not to allow it to interrupt your focus. Brenda Strong, a Fertility Yoga Instructor, says ‘You can’t force the river. The idea is to invite the river to flow through you’.


6. Sauca – Inner Purification

Vices like alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine reduce both male and female fertility.

Sauca advocates treating our body like a temple – keep it clean physically and mentally – a fit vessel for a soul to live in. Becoming less obsessed with the body as it looks as the purpose of the body is the vehicle to enlightenment. If you apply that to trying to conceive we should celebrate our body and the miracle it is about to go through.

7. Santosha – Contentment

It may seem simple but just look after yourself. Take long baths. Wear comfortable clothes. Ensure you get sufficient sleep. Surround yourself with supportive people. Keep yourself in peaceful and uplifting environments.

8. Tapas – Passion/Enthusiasm

Exercise – make a goal, try yoga or start walking or swimming. This focuses the inner you while exercising the physical – take care not to exercise excessively which can actually decrease a woman’s fertility. If taking up exercise classes you also gain from the sense of community with others which serves as additional support.

9. Swadhyaya – Self Study/Awareness

To look upon a stressful situation with a positive outlook diminishes stress and chances of conceiving improve.

This centres around the power of positive thinking and letting go of negative thoughts. Being aware of what you can let go of. It is tempting to think ‘I bet I will be one of those women who finds it difficult to conceive’ because of the amount of exposure from the media.

10. Ishvara Pranidhana – Surrender, Faith and Trust

This process is about surrendering to the journey. Accept there may be small defeats, delays or losses. As the Buddha said ‘Praise and blame, Gain and loss, Pleasure and sorrow, May come and go like the wind – Happiness comes if you rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all’.

TKS Desikachar said ‘Success in yoga does not lie in our ability to perform postures, but in how it positively changes the ability to live our lives’.

Yoga is as much about our attitude as it is about performing postures and this is how the first two stages of a Yoga Practice – the Yamas and Niyamas – can serve as guidance for trying to conceive.

Next Part: Chakra Healing and Fertility.

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