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Watching yogis with the legs behind the head, staring at one point and breathing loudly…I was fascinated, intimidated and curious. Somehow, one day, I made it from my free weights area inside the room and now I am one of them.

These days sweat dripping to my mat in the room around half dressed strangers around makes me feel great.The practice keeps me on track every single morning from 6 am and through the day. I forget about daily chores, troubles and tune inside. But it wasn’t always all that sweet between me and yoga.

Years back when I just started practicing, I couldn’t focus and was confused when my teacher told me to “Surrender”, “Draw within”, “Listen to your body”…My legs went numb after sitting on the floor for couple of minutes. I was inattentive, looking at people, comparing myself with others.

These were the bumps on my path and you will have yours too – it is the part of the process. The sooner you let go of your ego and will learn to bring your focus inside the faster you notice benefits of yoga.

To help you with this process I listed five most common beginner mistakes that can be avoided:

1. Compare your practice to the person next to you.

Your body is unique in its abilities, adaptations and muscle memory. Some asanas can be hard to learn and progress, but rewarding once you achieve the stillness in them. Others, can be very easy for you but hard for your mat’s neighbour. Focus on your own practice and forget about the surroundings. Notice what goes well and where you need to do extra work. Do not compare yourself with others and you will improve sooner than you think.

 2. Compare your practice to the practice yesterday.

“Oh, yesterday I did this and that and it was so much better then today!”…Remember, your body is an ever-changing material that is different from yesterday and tomorrow. Stop comparing and work with what you’ve got TODAY, right now in this present moment. Work with the breath. Be kind and compassionate to yourself.

 3. “I am not flexible!

This is the reason why you are in the yoga class – to become stronger and flexible, to bring your body to the new level. Listen to what it tells you, what are the differences between your right and left side or upper and lower body? After trying an asana for many times you will be surprised how comfortable it is when you eventually get it right. I thought I will never be able to do Padmasana (lotus pose) or Urdhva Dhanurasana (wheel pose). These days I am sitting in lotus just fine but it took me three years to get where I am right now. Consistent practice brings you consistent progress.

 4. Trying everything at once.

I want to learn headstand, I want to try jungle yoga, I want to type with my left big toe…  But first, you need to learn how to stay focused and find YOUR yoga and be loyal to your teacher. it is trial and error process but once it is over just be present. It took me a while to find MY yoga – I am an Ashtanga yoga student and will not change anytime soon. There will come the day when you go into the headstand with ease.

 5. Thinking about yoga as fitness class.

If you let yoga grow inside – in your heart and the soul –  you will be grateful forever. Yoga opens many doors. Every morning I stand on the mat feeling happiness inside with enormous respect, love and gratitude towards this ancient philosophy Yoga is a lifestyle and asana is a small part of it that prepares you to the journey towards learning and accepting your authenticity, kindness towards others and toleration to all races and religions.

Yoga makes you a better person. Just practice and it all will come.

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