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Get your morning going with these yogi-friendly tips for a more balanced and better day. A healthy everyday routine will not only align your body with it’s natural rhythms and bring new energy but make you more productive, relaxed and positive!

Often we are so busy rushing around or hitting the snooze button that we forget to pay attention to how we feel before the day has even begun. Ayurvedic wisdom teaches us that a simple morning routine can strengthen and purify the the body, helping to rejuvenate, refresh and start the day right.

9 ways to rise and make your morning shine…

“The time just before dawn contains the most energy of all hours of the day. This has helped me become an early riser and an early doer…. When I wake to see that it’s light out already, I feel the world has started without me.” ~Terri Guillemets


1. Rise Like a Lion
According to Ayurveda, the perfect time to wake is before or at sunrise. Practicing meditation at this time is most beneficial due to the atmospheric peak in energy which can manifest inspiration, peace and divine knowledge. While this might not be doable for everyone, rising just 15 minutes or so earlier for a dedicated meditation session is a great ritual to add to any morning routine!

2. Breathe more, Snooze Less
Instead of snoozing away the morning, why not sit up in bed and practice a few minutes of slow, deep breathing. Open a window and feel the fresh air fill your lungs and expand the belly. This is a great way to feed your body with new energy, helping to wake you up and get you out of bed!

Morning-Rituals-snooze-less-breathe more

3. Avoid Technology
Try to resist the temptation to check your phone, texts and emails for at least 30 minutes in the morning. Keeping our favourite gadgets in the bedroom has actually been shown to be harmful to our health, relationships and quality of sleep. Remember, you are most likely going to be attached to a phone or computer for the rest of the day, so don’t rush reaching for the electronics!

4. Set Your Intention
Set yourself a goal for the next few hours or perhaps for the rest of the day. Writing down or speaking aloud a simple positive affirmation will work wonders for your mood. Try to think about where your attention is needed most and acknowledge how you are feeling this morning. Reflecting upon your thoughts and concerns is an important step in practising self-compassion and will successfully prepare you for the day ahead.

5. Integrate with Nature
Spending time outdoors will leave your soul feeling refreshed and keep you grounded with the earth. Fresh air and sunshine can lift your mood and align your body’s natural rhythms. The options are endless: take the dog for a walk; eat breakfast outside; tend to the garden or cycle to work!


6. Do Yoga
Yogic tradition teaches us that the early hours of the morning are the best in which to practice. This time is considered to be Sattvic (pure), peaceful and free from distractions. Stimulating your muscles with a simple sequence will target stiffness in the body and release any tight muscles you might have after a long nights sleep. So get moving and fire up your body first thing – a gentle stretch or a yoga sequence in bed will even do!


7. Hydrate and Nourish
Early rising might not call for a large or heavy meal but your body will need some fuel and nourishment to start the day off on the right foot. A Glass of water with a slice of fresh lemon is the perfect detox drink for hydration and good digestion. Try a handful of nuts, fruit, eggs or a green smoothie for a nutritious breakfast that will gently restart your metabolism and maintain a healthy hormone balance all morning long.


8. Cleanse
If you have the time, take a relaxing bath with a few drops of natural essential oils or a cup of epsom salts. Even a few extra minutes spent relaxing in the shower can be extremely restorative in the morning. For a refreshing mouth rinse try using wheatgrass or coconut oil (oil pulling) as a natural way to cleanse away residual toxins.

9. Find Your Calm
Do something that you love every morning. Read a few pages of your favourite book, listen to music that makes your heart sing. Play an instrument, cook, draw, run!

What are your favourite morning rituals? Tell us in the comments below!

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