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Exercising first thing in the morning sounds like waking up to a nightmare for most people. While getting out of bed earlier just to get a sweat on may not seem like the most appealing trade off, there are actually a whole host of benefits. Some studies have even noted an increase in metabolism after morning exercise. Besides, a morning workout session or yoga practice is a much healthier energy boost than coffee. And a great start to the day will always leave you feeling optimistic for the day ahead!

Here are some yoga poses and exercises you can do in the morning:


1. Bridge Pose + Single Leg Bridge

This is a wonderful way to open the front and back body while strengthening the glutes and warming up the legs. Remember to engage the pelvic floor and to keep the knees as close as possible without them touching.

To do the Single Leg Bridge, you what to make sure the heels of both feet are about shoulder-width apart. Ground the right foot to lift the left leg. You can either hold the extended leg or pulse up and down, powering through the hips to create the motion.

Perform 2 sets, 10-12 repetitions each.


2. Plank Pose + Knee Tap

One of the best poses for isometric strengthening, plank pose is perfect anytime of the day. But in the morning, plank pose shines because it’s not terribly intense. You can, however, up the intensity by adding knee taps. First make sure you have found a technically correct plank pose, with the wrists slightly in front of the shoulders. The neck, spine and backs of the legs should be long and engaged to create a long line from crown to heels. Draw the navel towards the spine.

From there, without shifting your weight too much, draw the right knee towards the chest. Lift the left hand to tap the knee. Alternate. You should aim to alternate as fast as possible without sacrificing your form or balance.

Perform 2 sets, 10-12 repetitions each.


3. Squat

Yogic squats are going to feel phenomenal in the morning, but do go slowly. If you are not properly warmed up in the hips, only go halfway at first until the hips open and you can sink down more deeply. Remember that the knees glide out in the same direction as the toes. Keep the spine elongated so that there is no unnatural curvature or tucking of the tailbone. You can merely hang out in a deep, soothing squat, or you can up the work by lifting and lowering in time with the exhalations and inhalations. You can increase your heart rate by raising the hands over head when you come to standing, bringing them to prayer position when you enter the squat.

Perform 2 sets, 10-12 repetitions each.


4. Inchworm to Upward Dog

You begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with your feet hip-distance apart. Tuck the chin in towards the chest, rolling through the spine to a forward fold. Then walk the hands away from you to get into plank. From there you need to rest your body weight as if going into Chaturanga, but instead take Upward Facing Dog. Return to plank pose before walking the hands back into your forward fold and rolling back up through the spine to stand once again in Mountain Pose.

Perform a single, 8-10 repetitions each.


5. Downward Dog

By now, if you have run through the other exercises, you are going to want an awesome stretch that works all the muscles you have just used throughout the entire sequence. Downward Dog is great in the morning because the lengthening of the arms and stretch in the backs of the legs is truly invigorating. So get inverted, breathe, and release!

“Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.  ” ~ Buddha

Ready to greet the sun with this quick but effective workout?

You better be! The combination of strengthening exercises combined with yoga poses means you are going to be able to set your own pace. Just breathe and feel the warmth of a new day spreading through you.

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