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Downward Facing Dog For Pregnancy Yoga

Name of Asana

Sanskrit name
Adho Mukha Svanasana

A-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAS-anna

History of the Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as Downward [Facing] Dog, Down Dog, or Inverted V, is one of the most popular asana and can be found in every practice. BKS Iyengar asserted that this pose is a full body stretch that strengthens the shoulders, spine, legs, and core simultaneously while stretching the hips and promoting blood flow through the upper extremities.

The etymology of this posture breaks down accordingly: adhas (adho) (अधस्) meaning ‘down’, mukha (मुख) meaning ‘face’, svāna [pronounced shvana] (श्वान) meaning ‘dog’, and āsana (आसन) meaning ‘posture’.

Who is it For

Expecting mummies! As well as people with high blood pressure who are expecting tightness in the low back and hips.


(*) See Q&A section for a more in-depth explanation of what to do. Also refer to the modifications to see how to safely incorporate this pose into your practice.

Full Explanation

Whether you find yourself in Downward Facing Dog during a regular yoga practice or while taking a prenatal yoga class, you will definitely be in this pose often. Downward Dog is a transitional pose when moving through Surya Namaskara or can also be used to rest.

The benefits of this asana include:

  • Breathing practice (ujiayi) which can help during delivery
  • Stretches the shoulders, back, hips, and legs
  • Maintains physical fitness throughout pregnancy
  • Low impact exercise
  • Helps promote optimal positioning of the baby by opening space in the uterus

Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Begin to get into Downward Facing Dog from an All-Fours Position, where your hands are beneath the shoulders and your knees are under the hips for proper alignment.
  2. Use the strength of your legs, along with a dynamic shift of the pelvis, to roll through the feet and lift the tailbone upwards. Come to an inverted V position.
  3. Send the heels down towards the mat. Walk your feet slightly forward if comfortable to increase the lift of the pelvis.
  4. Make sure the feet are parallel and about hips distance apart or slightly wider.
  5. Gaze back towards your feet, allowing the head to be heavy. This ensures a long neck and spine.
  6. Should you be feeling some tension at the backs of the knees or through the hamstrings, it is okay to keep the knees slightly better and then work towards fully lengthening the legs.
  7. To release from Adho Mukha Svanasana, exhale, bending the knees. Gently send them towards the floor as your upper body glides back into a Table Top Position. Re-establish proper alignment before transitioning into another posture.

Alternatives or Modifications

Previous Poses

Follow on Poses

Parts of the Body Used

Primary muscles used in this asana are the latissimus dorsi, triceps, trapezius, gluteus maximus, hamstrings. The synergistic (stabilizing) muscles are the rhomboids; rotator cuff; anterior, posterior and medial deltoids; serratus anterior; and calf muscles (soleus and gastrocnemius).

Beginners Tips

Be kind to yourself, always. Your body will feel different as the baby grows, and so you must adapt your practice to that. Remember, pregnancy is short term, so whatever you cannot do with child, you can try again after they have been delivered.

Should you be having difficulty with releasing the shoulders in this pose, it is okay to modify using a chair or a pair of blocks to hold onto.

Tips For Yoga Teachers

Always encourage the expecting mothers to be kind to their bodies. Many mothers, regardless of their trimester, might feel restricted by and frustrated with their bodies during their pregnancy. Carefully remind them that whatever they are experiencing now is temporary—and that they can breathe and release that stress through Downward Dog.

Keep in mind that prenatal yoga is not the time to introduce inversions into a practice. The prenatal variation for Adho Mukha Svanasana should be the only inversion (aside from Legs Up the Wall pose/Viparti Karani) that a mother does. After 30 weeks into the pregnancy, Downward Facing Dog should only be practiced for less than 30 seconds. If you do not know which trimester someone is in, steer the entire class away from Down Dog or offer modifications that mimic the benefits.

Type of Pose




Breathing Tips

When holding Adho Mukha Svanasana, image breathing into the back to expand laterally and send energy down the spine to the tailbone as you exhale. This helps engage the core.


For those who need added support in the arms, a strap can be looped and secured around the upper arms, just above the elbows. Blocks and bolsters can be used to help cushion the head and neck if there is tension, pressure, or a recovering shoulder girdle injury.

Questions and Answers

  1. Are inversions safe during pregnancy?

A: First off, because of the shift in your centre of gravity, pregnancy is never the time to start working on Scorpion pose. You will lose your balance and fall more easily, meaning that you are putting the safety of your baby at risk. Secondly, when you are pregnant, a hormone called Relaxin is released which makes your joints and ligaments more stretchy than usual. This means that you can easily strain the back and pelvis if you are not careful.

But the most important thing is to trust your intuition and in any previous yoga practice you have had before your pregnancy. Only do what is comfortable and known to you during a prenatal sequence.

  1. In what trimester should I stop practising Downward Facing Dog?

A: There is no set time when you should or should not practice Downward Facing Dog. That said, there are some caveats.

The main warning is to avoid inversions, including Downward Facing Dog, during your first trimester. The reason is because during the first trimester, there is a high risk of miscarriage since the pregnancy is just getting established. Never do anything that can upset the balance of hormones in your body.

However, once you enter the second trimester, it is safe to return to practice Adho Mukha Svanasana. Be sure to listen to your body. If you are still experiencing morning sickness or lethargy, stay away from inversions. When energy returns and you’re no longer feel nauseous, you now have the okay from your body. At this point (around 16 weeks into the pregnancy), you will have increased blood volume, so take care of getting dizzy. More slowly and deliberately through the postures, and be sure to let your instructor know of any light-headedness that occurs when moving through transitions.

  1. Will Downward Facing Dog cause a breech baby?

A: No. Forward leaning positions like Downward Facing Dog actually help position the baby’s head towards the pelvis. After 30 weeks, only hold this pose for 30 seconds (5 cycles of natural breathing) to help your baby get into optimal birthing position.

Yoga Poses

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Bharadvaja’s Twist
Big Toe Pose
Boat Pose
Bound Angle Pose
Bow Pose
Bridge Pose
Camel Pose
Cat Pose
Chair Pose
Child’s Pose
Cobra Pose
Corpse Pose
Cow Face Pose
Cow Pose
Crane (Crow) Pose
Dolphin Plank Pose
Dolphin Pose
Downward-Facing Dog
Eagle Pose
Easy Pose
Eight-Angle Pose
Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose
Extended Puppy Pose
Extended Side Angle Pose
Extended Triangle Pose
Feathered Peacock Pose
Fire Log Pose
Firefly Pose
Fish Pose
Four-Limbed Staff Pose
Garland Pose
Gate Pose
Half Frog Pose
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Half Moon Pose
Happy Baby Pose
Head-to-Knee Forward Bend
Hero Pose
Heron Pose
High Lunge
High Lunge, Crescent Variation
Intense Side Stretch Pose
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose
Locust Pose
Lord of the Dance Pose
Lotus Pose
Low Lunge
Marichi’s Pose
Monkey Pose
Mountain Pose
Noose Pose
One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II
Peacock Pose
Pigeon Pose
Plank Pose
Plow Pose
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya I
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya II
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I
Reclining Bound Angle Pose
Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
Reclining Hero Pose
Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose
Revolved Side Angle Pose
Revolved Triangle Pose
Scale Pose
Seated Forward Bend
Shoulder-Pressing Pose
Side Crane (Crow) Pose
Side Plank Pose
Side-Reclining Leg Lift
Sphinx Pose
Staff Pose
Standing Forward Bend
Standing Half Forward Bend
Standing Split
Supported Headstand
Supported Shoulderstand
Tree Pose
Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose
Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose
Upward Plank Pose
Upward Salute
Upward-Facing Dog Pose
Warrior I Pose
Warrior II Pose
Warrior III Pose
Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend
Wide-Legged Forward Bend
Wild Thing

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Pregnancy Yoga Course
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