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Baby Yoga has been a great personal experience for me with my baby, Abigail. When we took the course at the end of May 2011 Abigail was 5 months and not so confident on her tummy or in her ability to roll one way.

Within a couple of weeks after the course as we continued practising she started rolling both ways and enjoyed many ways of being carried, rolled, swung and I only wished I had attended a course with her as a student from 12 weeks on.

She started pushing to all Fours about 8 weeks later and from then on seemed to be breezing through the motor milestones, crawling 4 weeks later, pulling up to standing 2 weeks after this and at 10 months now she is cruising along furniture. It seemed to me that irrespective of what milestones are achieved on average at a certain age, Abigail seems to be very comfortable in her body and her abilities while she had little exposure to tummy time prior to her Baby Yoga practice.

In other words, I felt that her Yoga practice helped her development.

Baby Yoga encourages tummy time and rolling over

For many reasons detailed in my Post How Baby Yoga Can Assist Motor Development Milestones, I now know that Baby Yoga is instrumental in promoting sound motor development specifically as Baby Yoga among other things encourages tummy time and rolling over.

Like other Mums, I was told tummy time is very important however I did not know up to recently just how critical it is. Furthermore, I did not know of any fun ways to practice tummy time, hence my baby did not get a lot of exposure up to 5 months old when we started Baby Yoga just because she did not seem to like it. Abigail had rolled over once by accident at 4 months and took another month until she did it another time.

Baby Yoga Sequences we practised

Once we had mastered the Prone Hold, and the Spiral Lifts first, then the Roller Coaster and the Rolling up the Arms and Down the Legs, Abigail made significant progress and we both moved on, leaving behind any psychological resistance to tummy time and rolling. I am sure there are many other mums and babies in the same situation.

If you have any questions about Baby Yoga please feel free to contact me here.

If you would like to find out more about Baby Yoga Click Here

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