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Did you know that an aching back can be quickly relieved through the power of an ancient healing technique? Yes, we are talking about yoga! A practice that focuses on stretching, flexibility, and strength that both works the muscles and relieves soreness.

If you have been suffering with persistent back pain, yoga may just be the reliable cure-all you’ve been searching for. So without further ado, here are the best back soothing yoga poses you can try today!

4 yoga poses to soothe a sore and strained back:


  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

The classic yoga pose that gives the entire body a stretch. The main target? The back extensors, which support the lower spine, and help you lift heavy objects.

To do Downward Facing Dog: Begin on your hands and knees. Make sure your wrists are beneath your shoulders and knees under hips. Pressing back through the feet, lifting the knees away from the floor. Send energy through the spine and out the tailbone. As you push your heels into the floor, engage the pelvic floor to reach the tailbone even higher while lengthening the back. Take care of the shoulders by keeping them from sliding towards the ears. Hold the position for 5-10 cycles of breath. Repeat if needed.


  1. Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Though this looks very much like a resting pose, Balasana is rather active. The arms reaching out in front stretch the entire back. If you do this before bed, you will also receive some de-stressing benefits.

To do Child’s Pose: Begin on all fours. Shift the hips back over the heels. Your glute muscles should rest above the heels. Stretch the arms long. You may want to rest your forehead on the floor. Hold the position for 5-10 cycles of breath. Repeat if needed.


  1. Ardha Apanasana (Half Knees-to-Chest Pose)

A simple pose with great benefits.

To do Ardha Apanasana: simply lie on your back. Exhale, drawing the right knee towards your chest. Hold the right shin with both hands while maintaining a natural lumbar curve. You may draw circles with the knee, as big or as small as you like to work into the hips. Inhale to release the leg to the floor. Exhale to switch sides. Hold each leg for 10-20 seconds, repeating 4-6 times.

If you wish to go deeper, feel free to turn Half-Knee-to-Chest into a supine twist by crossing the bent leg across the body to the opposite side and propping yourself up on that hip. Turn the head to look in the opposite direction.


  1. Sucirandhrasana (Eye-of-the-Needle Pose)

Also known as the piriformis stretch, this asana digs deep into the lower back and the piriformis muscle, which can get tight after long periods of inactivity.

To do Eye-of-the-Needle: Begin on your back. Bring both knees towards the chest. Place your right ankle across the left thigh, just above the knee. Wrap your hands around the thigh or above the knee of the bent leg and gently guide the left leg closer to the chest. Stay mindful of the curve of your spine, and be sure to keep your shoulders relaxed. Hold for 20 seconds before releasing. Switch sides.

There you have it. A simple flow to realign and target back pain.

And the best part is, you can link these movements into a 10-minute yoga sequence for morning, afternoon, or evening relief. 

People who take yoga or stretching classes generally report the ability to cut back on pain medications because of the release granted from yoga. Since yoga returns your body to proper alignment, use it well and use it often. You will find that these asanas do more for you than medication ever will.

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