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Yoga for Running can give you an advantage over your competitors. Why? Because runners often neglect their core (possibly thinking, this is “just working the abs”) and back strength but it can drastically improve your posture and in turn your running gait. As well as giving you overall strength and endurance for more running power!

The importance of the breath cannot be underestimated either. Yoga breath helps to improve diaphragmatic breathing to enhance cardio fitness, calm stress and sharpen focus. Slowing the ‘monkey mind’ to really focus on the end goal.

Kapalbhati (Breath of Fire)

This breathing practice really stirs up the internal fire and warms the body. Start by sitting up straight (either kneeling down or cross-legged whichever you prefer). Brings the hands to the abdomen so you can feel the stomach going in and out during the practice – it’s a good way to help you remember where you should be feeling it. Take a couple of normal breaths in and out then take a deep inhale. You’re ready to begin. Start by pulling in the stomach muscles to force the breath out of the nose. Keep pumping the stomach in like this to repeat up to 20 breaths. (You shouldn’t need to worry about the inhale and it happens automatically when you release the stomach muscles).

After the 20th breath take a half inhale and gently hold the breath for the count of about five. Then slowly release the breath. Take a couple of normal breaths and then you’re ready to start the next round. Try to do two or three rounds to achieve the full benefits.

Core Strength

Boat pose is excellent for core strength. Balance on the seat bones with the knees bent, resting on tip toes. Bring the arms out in front, up to shoulder height and parallel to the floor. Lift the chest as you raise the legs (you can fully extend them or have the knees bent). On an exhale see if you can lower the back and legs to the floor without releasing the posture and inhale back to boat pose.

Back Strengthener

Locust pose is a really effective back strengthener. Lie down on your front with the hands resting by the ears. With the feet together, on an inhale lift the head, shoulders, chest and arms up. If possible, lift the legs too. Hold for a breath or two then release back down. See if you can manage a few rounds. When you’ve finished make a pillow with the hands under the forehead and bend the knees. Windscreen wiper the legs side to side to release any tension.

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