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This post is not for the faint hearted but will maybe help you with that little extra push to start yoga if you haven’t already started.

So the post is divided into 3 parts and you can click the title to save time if you have read the first parts before. This article firstly outlines the reasons we should start yoga then moves onto the effects on your body. We hope you enjoy it!

1. 101 Reasons to Start Yoga This Year by Phill Turner
2. What Yoga Does To Your Body PART I by Annie Barber
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101 Reasons To Start Yoga This Year !

101 Reasons To Start Yoga This Year – 2017

Many people start yoga around this time of year so I thought it would be great to give you a few reasons why people do (well 101 actually).

Please let me know what you think by leaving comments at the bottom and I would love to find out why you started yoga.

1. To get your mojo back.
2. Because it’s fun.
3. To get more energy.
4. To feel more relaxed.
5. To be focused.
6. To begin the path to meditation.
7. Something you can do with friends.
8. To chill out for an hour.
9. To lose weight.
10. Get better flexibility.
11. Build your confidence.
12. To feel great while you’re pregnant – Pregnancy Yoga.
13. To do exercise with your baby. – Baby Yoga
14. To practice yoga with your partner.
15. For better health.
16. To get an adrenaline rush – Power Yoga
17. A subject with no real end to learn forever.
18. An exercise that you can study as much or as little as you like.
19. To get addicted to something great.
21. Have fun with your kids.
22. To sync your body and mind.
23. Build self-awareness.
24. Calm the mind.
25. To bond with your baby while pregnant.
26. To feel great.
27. To feel centred.
28. Join all the big celebrities who practice yoga.
29. To become and teacher and leave your job.
30. To look great.
31. To be different.
32. Go back to the source of exercise.
33. Go all hippie.
34. Wear funky yoga pants.
35. Drink water for a reason.
36. Eat green foods for a reason.
37. To gain muscle.
38. To look younger.
39. Become totally organic.
40. To become at one with yourself…ooooommmmmmm! Yoga Meditation
41. To stop doing things that harm your body.
42. Get down with the cool people.
43. To build strength.
44. To meet people.
45. Join the revolution.
46. Overcome bad habits.
47. Bring you inner peace.
48. For better posture.
49. To get away from the world.
50. Less post-workout pain.
51. Be in a better mood.
52. Improve your stance.
53. Kickstart your day.
54. Make you a wiser person.
55. To smile more.
56. Know that no one is judging you.
57. Because it’s a great workout.
58. It great for professional football players if you play football. Check out the USA team here
59. Improve your mental strength.
60. Help your breathing technique.
61. Great for cross training.
62. Because you want to sleep better.
63. Lower blood pressure.
64. Feel contented.
65. People start at any age.
66. Increase stamina.
67. Because you have just had your 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th (you get the idea) birthday.
68. Less stress.
69. Because your getting married.
70. Have more compassion for yourself and others.
71. Wobbly? – For better balance.
72. Because you’re getting divorced.
73. Fight you’re horrible back pain.
74. Because you want to love yourself again.
75. Because you feel terrible.
76. Because you gave up drinking.
77. Improves your range of motion.
77. Change your lifestyle.
78. To loosen up for running.
79. Drink smoothies for a reason.
80. To tone up.
81. To do something crazy.
82. Alleviate cramp.
83. Because you gave up smoking.
84. To zone out.
85. To feel the love.
86. To get abs. – Core Strength Yoga
87. To feel younger.
88. To restore and sports injury.
89. Power up my energy levels.
90. Be able to touch your toes. See Flexibility Blog Post Click Here
91. I need to chill the heck out.
92. Build upper body strength.
93. To feel sexy.
94. To help with cycling.
95. Feel the yoga rush. (All chatty at the end is a tell tale sign!)
96. To get back to your younger self.
97. Be able to listen to your body again.
98. Because you’re different.
99. Because your friends already do yoga.
100. Why not?
101. Because you can.
102. Run Faster.
103. Get less injuries Running – Yoga For Runners

I would really love to get to 201 do you have any more that I have missed?

Please add them below in the comments:-

Beginners Yoga Course

What Yoga Does To Your Body PART I by Annie Barber

You’ve probably read about how yoga is good for leading a healthy and active lifestyle. But maybe you’re still wondering what all the hype is about?

Possibly one of the most beneficial effects yoga has to offer is on our physical health. In modern medicine, our bodies are often treated as separate parts. Rather than nurturing the intricate connections between our many different systems. However, yoga has the ability to nurture the subtle pathways of our physiology. Especially important for moving stagnant waste and toxins out of the body and repairing organ, bone and muscle health. These therapeutic benefits have been used to help chronic disease, mental illness, infertility and injury recovery.

In fact, these holistic benefits are deeply rooted in yogic teachings. The principle philosophy of yoga is really very simple. It is the concept that mind, body and spirit cannot be separated. And through practicing the asanas and breathing with awareness, you can develop a harmonised unity of the spiritual, physical and intellectual body. Consequently these must be in balance to experience your true nature and optimal wellbeing.

So there is a yoga pose designed to target almost every part of your anatomy. Helping to detoxify, strengthen, heal and maintain wellness throughout every system of the body. Evidently, this traditional practice and now popular fitness trend certainly deserves its positive reputation.

Yoga really is an incredible way to transform your body!

Types of yoga poses and their benefits


Relaxation Poses

  • Relaxes the muscles and body

  • Reduces fatigue, headaches and insomnia

  • Boosts mood and relieves stress, anxiety and mild depression

  • Helps to lower blood pressure

  • Rests the heart muscle by slowing down the heart rate

  • Rejuvenates the mind helping to think more clearly


Standing Postures

  • Therapeutic for osteoporosis

  • Improves posture and pelvic alignment

  • Relieves sciatica

  • Helps to reduce flat feet

  • Lengthens spine and tones abdominals and back muscles


Breathing Technqiues (Pranayama)

  • Releases emotional and physical stress

  • Increases oxygen to the lungs and cells

  • Clears out the energy channels of the body



  • Prevents and corrects poor posture habits and conditions

  • Promotes healthy spine alignment

  • Therapeutic for asthma and infertility

  • Increased flexibility through the front of the body, chest and hips

  • Releases tension in the lower back from slouching and physical injuries

  • Opens the heart chakra to invite compassion and connections with others

  • Reduces isolation and depression

  • Stimulates thyroid and pituitary glands, improving healthy hormone production


Forward Bends

  • Relieves symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort

  • Massages the internal organs, stimulating liver, kidneys, reproductive organs

  • Increases blood circulation to head, aiding in hair growth and brain function

  • Invigorates nervous system, improving anxiety, insomnia and headaches

  • Therapeutic for high blood pressure

  • Increased leg strength and hamstring flexibility


Spinal Twists

  • Detoxifys the body from stress, pollution and environmental toxins

  • Improves sluggish digestion

  • Stimulates the nervous, digestive and reproductive systems

  • Lengthens, nourishes and realigns the spine

  • Cleans stagnant fluid from the lymphatic system through applied pressure to glands.

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Welcome to the second part of our body benefits series!

If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, we talked about some of the different types of yoga poses and their therapeutic benefits.

And while you probably don’t need any more excuses to take up yoga…
There are still so many amazing reasons I want to share with you.

More yoga benefits for a healthy mind and body


Hip Openers

  • Releases trapped tension from the sacral chakra

  • Nurtures healthy, intimate relationships

  • Calms the nervous system, reducing anxiety and stress

  • Awakens your spiritual expression and creativity

  • Stimulates energy centre for sexuality and fertility


Arm Balances

  • Builds endurance and stamina while holding the pose

  • Strengthens the stabilising muscles in your abdominals

  • Cultivates mental discipline for challenging postures

  • Develops strength and muscle tone in upper body

  • Helps to prevent osteoporosis

  • Improves body awareness, balance and reflexes


Plank Poses

  • Triggers a tension release which boosts mood and energy

  • Maintains a straight spine

  • Strengthens your back and abdominal muscles which reduces back pain

  • Improves stability through stimulating the arches of the feet and toes


Sitting Postures

  • Creates stillness of the mind for spiritual and emotional liberation

  • Conducive to meditation which promotes positivity, clarity of thought and inner peace

  • Lengthens and strengthens the back, helping with Sciatica

  • Improves focus and awareness back to the quality of the breath

  • Normalises blood pressure by practicing slow and calm breathing

  • Gain comfort in sitting for longer periods of time and thus enhancing meditation benefits


Binding Poses

  • Increases joint range of motion and stabilty

  • Massages the internal organs, stimulating activity and healing processes

  • Detoxifies the lymphatic system of toxic build up

  • Therapuetic for indigestion, constipation and bloating

  • Normalises blood pressure by practicing slow and calm breathing

  • Provides relief from asthma



  • Increases blood flow to the brain boosting mood and energy levels

  • Provides respite for the circulatory systems by slowing the heart rate

  • Help with the transport of fluids through the lymphatic vessels

  • Stimulate the nervous system, boosting production of cerebral spine fluid

  • Activates the thyroid, pineal and pituitary glands for healthy metabolism, organ health and fertility.

  • Creates space and length in the spine to counteract poor posture

  • Provides relief from lower back pain


Balancing Poses

  • Develops a deep awareness of the body. Practising both strength and softness to find your natural equilibrium.

  • Improves concentration and co-ordination skills

  • Calms and relaxes the central nervous system

  • Reduces stress and intense negative emotions such as anger

  • Improves strength and stability of the knee joint

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