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For those who are not familiar with the Chakra system they are seen as bridges between the physical body and the mind which control our metaphysical energy. The human body has seven basic chakras located at different points of the subtle spine in which energy flows through. Blocked energy in the Chakras can lead to both physical illness or emotional problems and each Chakra has their own associated colour, gemstone, element and ways to balance them.

The second chakra – Swadhisthana or sacral chakra – is what controls a person’s sexual vitality, connections to others, pleasure and fertility. It is located in the lower abdomen about two inches below the naval and is the chakra to focus on when you are having fertility problems. By becoming familiar with your sacral chakra and exercising it you can increase your chances of conceiving. When this chakra is in balance we are able to express and feel our emotions and we are happy with who we are.

The following are exercises that you can do to help strengthen and heal this Chakra:

1. Gemstone Therapy

The second chakra’s gemstone is the Carnelian – an orange stone. Find yourself one of these stones and wear it when exercising your sacral chakra. It is also recommend to wear it while you are trying to conceive

2. A Chakra colour bath or meditation will help you become in tune.

A chakra colour bath will help you to become in tune with your sacral chakra.

Find a quiet place where you can focus on this chakra undisturbed. To start you need to focus on your chakra and picture a spinning wheel the colour orange in the space two inches below the naval. Imagine the colour orange travelling all the way up to your head then down to your feet and back up to your navel. Continue this until you feel a strong connection with your sacral chakra.

3. Colour Therapy

Aside from wearing the gemstone surround yourself with the colour orange whether this be in home furnishings, clothes or candles.

It is no coincidence that monks that practice celibacy wear saffron coloured robes – with Swadisthana the chakra associated with sexual relationships.

4. Working With The Elements.

The sacral Chakra’s associated element is water. By drinking water, taking long baths/showers, swimming or visiting the sea/lakes/rivers is all a means of connecting with the sacral chakra’s element.

5. Enjoy the Simple Pleasures.

We are taught to beware pleasure and repress the desire for it. By repressing our natural bodily impulses we segregate our mind from our body. If a Chakra is a bridge between mind and body repression will lead to a collapsed bridge. We shouldn’t feel guilty for an extra ten minute lie in or wearing comfortable clothing for example – instead we should work on self nurturing.

6. Consume liquids.

They pass through the body quickly cleansing and removing toxins from the kidneys.

7. Strengthening.

Strengthening the Chakra will improve the health of your reproductive organs. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and try pelvic lifts. These lifts actually do more than just strengthen your pelvic muscles they help to strengthen your chakra as well. While doing these picture your sacral chakra getting stronger with each lift. Visualize your reproductive organs getting healthier.

8. Tension releasing movements.

Tension in this chakra can greatly hinder conception.

Swadhistana’s energy is passive, lunar, and feminine. It is best stimulated by gentle fluid movements and a focus on breathing and restoration in poses. The anatomical region of the body that is stimulated by this chakra is where the kidneys and adrenal glands are located. The lymphatic system is also ruled by this chakra as this chakra governs the body’s fluids.

– To remove tension work with movements in the hip and lower abdomen with poses such as

Seated Forward Bends as well as Goddess, Pigeon pose, Dancer, Half Moon, and Cobra Pose. Also try resting with your legs up against a wall.

– Practice deep breathing – begin to breathe deep in through your mouth and exhale slowly through your nose. Continue to do this deep breathing until you start to relax. As your body begins to relax, begin to rock from side to side.

Next Time: The Art of Pranayama – Breathing Exercises and Trying to Conceive

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