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Have trouble waking up in the morning?

Even with that first cup of tea or coffee? How about introducing a little yoga into your morning routine! As crazy as it sounds, yoga practice is an amazing way to begin the day. This is because the body is much more receptive to stretching and stimulation provided by the postures at this time. Most of all, it is important to start slowly, warming up the body with some breath work before getting into the sequence. Then once you have opened up your mind and body, you can proceed onto our favourite morning asanas.

“The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind & the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.” ~ BKS Iyengar

Get your morning moving with this yoga sequence:

  1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)

Greet the morning sunshine the right way! Though there are many variations of Sun Salutations, this one goes through the foundational movements of: Tadasana, Backwards Bend, Uttanasana, Low Lunge, Plank, Chaturanga, Upward Dog, Downward Dog, Low Lunge, stepping up to Uttansana, and rolling through the spine to return to Tadasana. Of course, the key to going through Sun Salutations is to begin slowly, allowing the body to work into each posture. Gradually speed up the flow so that it seems you are in constant motion and use the breath wisely.


  1. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Once you have warmed up with a vigorous Sun Salutation, your body is going to be ready for some isometrics. Start by bringing the feet together at the top of the mat. Next, move the arms up on either side of the head, engaging the shoulders without scrunching the neck. Keeping the spine long, shift the tailbone back as if siting onto a chair. At the same time, activate the core, thighs, and calves. Try to bring your tailbone level with the knees.

Repeat this several times, using an inhale to lift and an exhale to lower.

3 Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Leg Forward Fold)

For this pose, take the feet wide – much wider than the hips. You want the toes to be turned slightly outwards. Then roll through the spine until the crown of the head almost skims the ground. With the breath, release from the hips. Take your arms back behind you, interlacing the fingers. Then begin to lift the arms (taking care not to hyperextend the elbows) overhead for a stretch in the back and shoulders. Finally, let gravity work on the hips, back, and neck as you breathe.


  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes)

A classic yoga pose that is wonderful for waking up the spine and getting energy circulating throughout the body. Half Lord of the Fishes is excellent for anyone and has a number of modifications to work with any body type. The twist stimulates the internal organs, meaning that you will digest your breakfast better and promote nourishment and energy throughout the day. In other words, do this pose before your breakfast and cup of coffee!

  1. Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Finish your invigorating morning sequence by resting for a couple of moments in Child’s Pose. Relax and enjoy the stretch through the back body as you stretch the arms long and shift the hips back over the heels. Breathe long and deep, soaking in the benefits of your yoga practice.


Make yoga the best way to start your day!

Whether you have time for all of these poses or just two, you are going to feel more energised all round. The stimulating stretches invigorate the mind and body and what’s more, you will stay refreshed and more awake throughout the day too.   Try it out and see the benefits for yourself!

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