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For many of us, the straddle split is something of a pipe dream. Unattainable. You might even be thinking that only those with an adolescent body can ever hope to achieve and maintain the flexibility required for a straddle split! However, the truth is this: you can use certain yoga postures to work your way towards a full straddle split. But – it will take time and careful consideration of the inner thigh and pelvic muscles, which have to work in unison to create the full split.

Here’s how to begin working towards your straddle split goal:

Let’s warm up and start stretching the required muscles for this ultra flexible pose.


  1. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Also known as “Butterfly pose”. Start seated, soles of the feet together. As long as your spine is long and the core is engaged, it is okay if your knees do not reach the floor (that’s not the objective). Do not force the knees more open than they naturally go. Inhale and exhale in the starting position, letting gravity work. Then, if you wish to get a bit more dynamic, you can bounce the knees up and down a few times, working motion into the hip joint.

  1. Supine Straddle Stretch

Using a wall and gravity are two keys to unlocking your straddle splits. Simply bring yourself over to a wall, scooting close enough so that your bum is touching the wall with your leg lifts, forming a 90 degree angle to the floor and your spine. Exhale to open the legs to the straddle. Let the wall take some the weight from your legs, and let gravity work to open the hips more fully to get the legs farther apart. You may also use your hands to add some pressure. Stay here for several minutes, breathing deep and enjoying the stretch.

To exit, first bring the legs back to Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose then push back away from the wall or roll to one side.

“Body is not stiff, mind is stiff.” ~ Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

  1. Frog Pose

Though difficult, Frog Pose is an excellent way to work the muscles that make Straddle Stretch attainable. It is important to move with caution in this pose, however. Start on all fours. Move from resting on your hands to resting on your forearms. Mindfully and with control, start spreading the knees apart. If you have sensitive knees, be sure to having a towel underneath them. Lower the hips and pelvis as you further spread the knees. Keep the heels of the feet in line with the knees and the toes turned outward.


  1. Malasana (Yogic Squat)

Contrary to popular belief, flexibility is not the sole component of getting into a split. You need a certain amount of strength in the core and hips to be able to maintain the appropriate alignment that makes releasing into straddle easier.

Yogic Squat simultaneously builds strength in the hips while increasing flexibility. Begin by taking the feet about hip-width apart. Ground the feet. Shift the tailbone backwards, bring it level with the knees without rounding the back or tucking. Continue to lower, feeling the stretch in the Achilles Tendon and activation of the pelvic floor, until the tailbone is slightly lower than the knees and the elbows are connected to the legs or knees. Push through the heels to lift back up through your squat.


  1. Fire Log Pose

Stretching out the gluteus medius is an often forgotten component of getting into straddle splits. If this muscle is not appropriately taken care of, it can cause a shortening in the split that makes it harder to get into. Fire Log pose is just want you need.

To do the asana: Sit on your yoga mat with legs extended out in front of you. Bring the heel of the right foot to the top of the left knee. Make the shin bones parallel with the floor, stacking them as you would logs for a fire. Keep the sits bones grounded into the mat. Since the hips have a tendency to be tight in this position, preventing the legs to lay flat against one another, you can sit on a bolster or blanket for some elevation.


Working towards your straddle splits…

Though these poses may be more intense for some people than others, they offer a foundation to begin building both strength and flexibility in the hip flexors, iliopsoas muscle, and release the tension that comes from everyday life. Run through this sequence prior to working into your straddle split, taking care of the muscles and breathing deeply throughout. Good luck!

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